When Josefina Lopez wrote the Off Broadway hit play, "Real Women Have Curves", she was trying to bring attention to the struggles of the American Latina; however, her play spoke volumes to women everywhere of all sizes and races. In the 1980's there was such an obscene struggle to be perfect created by the offensive media attacks on women who were not a size zero; this lead to a multimillion dollar a year industry geared toward creating the perfect body image, through diet, exercise, plastic surgery, cosmetics, clothing, and yes, binging and purging. Out of the ashes of "The Perfect Image Industry", as I like to call it, a swinging door to the hospital psyche ward was spawned; were young girls, and some boys were being admitted for depression, anorexia, and bulimia. So, disgusted were they with themselves that they couldn't even stand to look in the mirror at their own image, and yet they would do just that every single day, nit picking every flaw. The onslaught of body dysmorphic disorder, created such a panic amongst psychologists, that they were all baffled on how to treat it properly; so they medicated. Now, the pharmaceutical companies were profiting.
By the 1990's the psychiatric industry in both the US and abroad, began to level their frustration for the creation of this epidemic at the fashion industry and the obscene media coverage to be thin. Today, the fashion media is trying to gloss over that negative image by catering to plus size models; that is women who are between a size 6 to 14.
6 to 14!!!! Are you kidding me? No, kidding. According to Hannah Siegle of the Elephant Journal, a plus size model in today's fashion world ranges in size between 6 and 14; I for one have to agree with Hannah, that a size 14 is not a plus size; you can't even find a size 14 hanging on the plus size rack at Walmart, Target, or KMart. If a size 14 isn't considered a plus size amongst designers, then a size 6 doesn't even come close, and clearly the fashion media has learned nothing from the damages created in the 1980's.
They say that they are listening, but they are not. The facts are these, women come in all shapes and sizes, and the fashion media does not get to dictate what makes the perfect woman. Perfection, if it truly exists, does so as a state of being. That is not something that you can capture on camera to photo-shop later.
Josefina Lopez was right, real women have curves; and some times those curves will be small and petite, while others will be Rubnesque and voluptuous, but they are all beautiful.
~~~NOTE: Please take time to click on the photo of the model above and read the article by Hannah Siegle.
I invite to see the movie version of "Real Women Have Curves", you can rent it, or you can purchase it from Amazon, by clicking the photo link below.
Thank you, for taking the time to read my blog...
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