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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Beautiful women come in all shapes and sizes...

Women are beautiful...men are wonderful...it's time for all women...and men...to accept who they are as they are...do not try to change because the media, or someone else says you need to act or look a certain way...honor yourself...honor your inner beauty and masculinity.

I find it interesting that when you ask most men what they like in a woman...they tend to prefer a woman who is honest and real, and real looking...most women will say the same about men...yet, we all seem to be trying to change ourselves to please some idea or notion of what we think we should be...if there is anyone to change for, it should be yourself...I personally believe that the most important change is that derived from the wisdom we gain from the experience of living.

This photo was originally published by Glamour magazine in November 2009, after an overwhelmingly positive response to a photo of plus sized model, Lizzie Miller (she does not look plus sized to me) was published in September of that same year...
(This information is available from the New York magazine fashion segment)

Photo courtesy of Glamour magazine.

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